Big Events

The Dutch team wins the Robinson Cup in Glorney Gilbert International Tournament 2018 in Scotland




Daniel tweede op het Nederlands Kampioenschap Schaken Jeugd C (t/m 14 Jaar) 2018


Photo: Harry Gielen



Daniel Nederlands Kampioen Snelschaken Jeugd 2016 t/m 12 jaar





Daniel gedeelde eerste op het Nederlands Kampioenschap Schaken Jeugd 2015 t/m 10 Jaar




Daniel Pupillenkampioen van Nederland 2014 t/m 9 Jaar



– Daniel, this year you became twice a chess champion of the Netherlands (under 9 and under 10 boys). What do you attribute your success on? – On the love of chess.

– Was it hard to win the titles? – Yes, very hard! My opponents were strong and prepared.

– In both Championships you lost only one game – against Luuk van Steenoven. What do you feel when you lose? – The need to learn to win next time.

– What are your opponents for you? – They are people important for my development. When they are strong they are teachers and example.

– Do you believe in luck? – Yes, but mainly I believe in preparation.

– What is your strongest side? – The desire to grow, to get better and better.

– And what is your worst? – Generally speaking – the mistakes, the quality of the game, there must be more.

– What you are going to do now? – A lot of learning and hard work. I will participate in a number of tournaments with better players than me. Analysis of the games… The preparation for the European Youth Chess Championship in Georgia …

– How do you look at your participation in the European Youth Chess Championship? – As a great responsibility. I will play with older players than me and certainly some of them will be better prepared than me. It is a chance for me to prove myself, but also a chance to thank my parents, my coaches, my chess club SV Almere, where I am training, my opponents and not the least the Chess Federation which gave me an opportunity to participate in the Championship.

– You did not mention anything about your sponsors. Do you have any sponsors? – Not yet but I definitely need them.


Daniel Nederlands Kampioen 2014 t/m 10 Jaar


Daniel Nederlands Kampioen t/m 10 jaar

Schaakbond Groot Amsterdam:
Daniel Kutchoukov Nederlands Kampioen E! 
Een enorme sensatie in Waalwijk: Daniel Kutchoukov uit Almere is Nederlands Kampioen geworden. Zijn concurrenten waren een jaar ouder en hadden vele honderden ratingpunten meer. Dat laatste zal niet lang meer het geval zijn want Daniel speelde geweldige partijen van een ongekend hoog niveau. Bovendien mag Daniel nu naar het Europees Kampioenschap in Georgië. Het toernooi werd wederom uitstekend georganiseerd door de superorganisatoren in Brabant die zoveel toernooien doen. Lees verder over het toernooi van Daniel.”